Bubble.io Templates: How to Purchase and Use

Learn how to start your project with Bubble.io templates! This guide covers everything from account creation to project launch. SPECIAL OFFER at the end.

Created by:

Matt Graham


April 26, 2024




Welcome to our detailed guide on starting with Bubble.io templates! Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this guide will walk you through the process of selecting, purchasing, and effectively utilizing Bubble.io templates. Stay tuned until the end for an exclusive offer!

Not looking to use a pre-made template? If you prefer to build your app from scratch or need a custom solution, contact us today to discuss your project requirements and how we can assist you in building a unique application tailored to your needs.

Register on Bubble.io

To kick off your journey with Bubble.io templates, you must first register an account on Bubble.io. This platform is crucial as it hosts a diverse array of templates, each designed to streamline your project development process.

Finding the Perfect Template

Selecting the correct Bubble.io template is key to your project's success. When exploring our vast selection of Bubble.io templates, here are two great ways to find the perfect match:

Explore Our Contributor Page

Visit our contributor page to browse through templates created by our community of expert developers. This page features a variety of templates, each with unique functionalities and design aesthetics suited for different types of projects. It’s an excellent place to start if you’re looking for inspiration or a template that aligns closely with your project requirements.

Utilize Bubble.io’s Template Directory

For a broader selection, head over to Bubble.io/templates. Here, you can use advanced search and filtering options to sort templates by category, popularity, and more. This functionality makes it easier to locate a template that meets your specific needs, whether you’re building an e-commerce site, a personal portfolio, or a complex business application.

Introduction to Bubble.io Templates

After identifying potential templates, consider these critical aspects to ensure the chosen template fits your project:

  • Preview Page Functionality and Appearance: The preview page gives you a firsthand look at the template’s design and operation, which is vital in determining if it matches your project’s needs.
  • Template Description and Documentation: Most Bubble.io templates comes with a detailed description and comprehensive documentation that outlines its functionalities, making your choice more informed.
  • User Reviews: Reviews from other users can provide insights into the template's performance and suitability for specific types of projects.

Understanding Licensing Options for Bubble.io Templates

Before purchasing a Bubble.io template, understanding the available licensing options is essential:

  • Standard License: Suitable for personal or internal business applications, this license allows you to deploy the Bubble.io template multiple times across your projects and monetize your apps.
  • Developer License: This license is ideal if you plan to create applications for third parties using the Bubble.io template. It permits the development of multiple client applications.

Purchasing and Accessing Your Bubble.io Template

After choosing the appropriate license, proceed to purchase your selected Bubble.io template using the designated 'Get template' button.

Once purchased, the template will be available in your Bubble.io dashboard. To access your new template:

  • Navigate to the 'Template' Option: On the left side menu of your dashboard, select the 'Template' option.
  • Go to the 'Purchased' Tab: Within this section, you will find all the templates you have acquired.
  • Start Your App: Click the 'Start an app' button next to the desired template, assign a unique ID name to your new app, and proceed to create your application based on the template.

Starting Your Project

Once you have your template:

  • Find the Generated App in the Dashboard of Your Bubble.io Account: This is where you'll see the new app based on the template you've purchased.
  • Initial Setup: Before customization, ensure the template is set up correctly by following the provided documentation and conducting initial tests.

This method ensures the template functions well before you begin personalizing it.

Launching Your Application

Ready to go live?

  • Select a Bubble.io Subscription: A paid subscription is necessary to launch your app. Start with a free plan and move to a paid one as your needs grow.

Getting Help if You Need It

If you encounter any issues, our support team at RapidDev is here to help. We handle any bugs related to the template’s original functionality and offer general guidance if the documentation doesn't answer your questions.

Special Offers and Contact Information

If you need further assistance or are interested in a special offer, please contact us through our contact form or email at contact@rapidevelopers.com.

We hope this guide helps you understand how to purchase and use our Bubble.io templates effectively. Start your project today, and let us help you succeed in building a successful application!


Using the right Bubble.io templates can significantly accelerate the development of your project. We hope this guide helps you navigate your way through selecting and utilizing Bubble.io templates effectively.

Need help customizing your template? If you have a vision for your application but require expert assistance in customizing your Bubble.io template, reach out to us now. Our team specializes in template customization to help you realize your project exactly as you envision it!

Want to Enhance Your Business with Bubble?

Then all you have to do is schedule your free consultation. During our first discussion, we’ll sketch out a high-level plan, provide you with a timeline, and give you an estimate.

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