/No-Code Reviews

IFTTT Review 2024: Pros, Cons, Security | RapidDevelopers

If you're looking to simplify your app integrations and automate workflows without diving into code, IFTTT is a top choice. 

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Known for its user-friendly setup, it allows quick creation and deployment of app connections. IFTTT packs a punch with a broad set of features, making it a go-to for businesses aiming to boost their processes. Picking the right no-code platform can be a game-changer, and IFTTT stands out in this field. Our in-depth review aims to clear any doubts and provide insights into how IFTTT can fit into your automation game plan. We'll cover its strengths, potential drawbacks, and how it compares in the world of workflow automation. If you're hesitant about trying a new tool, rest assured: IFTTT's intuitive design and rich capabilities are set to elevate your productivity game.

What is IFTTT?

IFTTT, standing for "If This Then That," is an online tool letting you set up automatic actions called "applets." Think of an applet as a set of rules: when one thing happens (a trigger), it automatically causes something else to happen (an action). These triggers and actions can connect different online services, from email to social media and even smart gadgets at home.

Here's a simple example: let's say you want to save all email attachments directly to your Google Drive. With IFTTT, you set it so when you get an email with an attachment (the trigger), it's saved to Google Drive (the action). The beauty of IFTTT is its compatibility with many online platforms, letting you link and automate tasks between them.

Best of all, IFTTT is designed for everyone, not just tech-savvy folks. It's straightforward to use, so you can create these automatic rules without any coding knowledge.

Is IFTTT good for a startup?

IFTTT is great for startups looking to build an MVP (a basic version of a product) that connects different online services or sets up automatic tasks. With IFTTT, you can quickly set up connections called applets between different platforms without diving into code. It's an easy way to see if your app idea works and get feedback from actual users.

That said, IFTTT does have its limits. It's best for straightforward tasks and might not handle more advanced functions. And while it connects with many online services, it might not cover every one you have in mind.

In short, for simple app ideas that link online services or automate tasks, IFTTT can be a good starting point for your MVP. But for more intricate projects, you might need to look elsewhere.

Is IFTTT good for an enterprise?

IFTTT is handy for basic tasks like connecting online services or setting up automated actions. However, for larger companies needing an enterprise app, it might not be the best fit. 

The main challenge with IFTTT is its focus on simple tasks. So, if you're looking for advanced features or custom functions, it might fall short. 

Also, since IFTTT works from the cloud, all your app information sits on their servers. For big businesses, this could raise data security and privacy concerns.

To sum it up, IFTTT is great for basic automation and linking services. But for a detailed enterprise app, you might want to explore platforms offering more features, control, and data protection.


What can you build with IFTTT?

IFTTT is a tool that lets you craft apps without diving into code.

Looking for quick no-code app solutions? RapidDev is your top choice for crafting custom IFTTT apps efficiently. Discover what you can achieve with us!

Handling Data

IFTTT lets you auto-handle data tasks. For example, it can save files to the cloud, make reports, or note down data in tables.

Customer Care

Set up systems to handle new leads, remember customer chats, and send follow-up notes.

Promoting Your Brand

With IFTTT, you can set up auto-posts on social media or auto-send marketing emails.

Team Work

IFTTT helps teams work better. It can notify you when someone shares a file or even add events to everyone's calendars.

Staying Efficient

IFTTT helps you stay on track. It can remind you of big dates, alert you about upcoming tasks, or help you list out things to do.

Customize Your Tasks

IFTTT isn't just pre-set. You can design applets that fit exactly what you need, blending tasks or using many services at once.

Is IFTTT secure?

When using IFTTT, like other online tools, think about safety. Here's what you need to know about IFTTT's security:

- Your Data: IFTTT holds some of your information on its servers. Check out their rules on privacy to see how they care for it.

  - Logging In: IFTTT uses a common method, OAuth, to connect with other online services. This means you sign in to each service one-by-one, adding an extra layer of safety.

  - Data Safety: When data moves between IFTTT and other services, it's scrambled (encrypted) so it's harder for outsiders to read.

  - Staying Updated: IFTTT has experts whose job is to find and fix safety issues.

  - Be Smart Online: Always use strong, unique passwords. Turn on extra sign-in steps if you can, and be careful about giving permissions to other online tools.

In the end, while nothing online is 100% safe, IFTTT does its part to keep things secure. Remember to look into their safety features and always be wise with your online actions.

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Why choose IFTTT?

  • Working with other online tools

IFTTT works with over 650 different online services, including big names like Google Drive, Dropbox, Twitter, and Slack. This lets you set up routines that link these tools together.

  • Make it your own

You can tweak IFTTT to fit your needs. Set your own rules, use placeholders, and even design detailed routines.

  • Easy on the wallet

IFTTT has a free version you can start with. If you need more, there's a paid option. It's budget-friendly for both individuals and businesses.


Online platform

IFTTT is online, so you can hop onto it and tweak your automation routines anytime, anywhere, as long as you're connected to the internet.

Instant changes

With IFTTT, the moment you adjust or modify your routines, it gets updated instantly.

Fewer mistakes

IFTTT takes care of routine tasks, which means fewer chances for human slip-ups and more dependable outcomes.

Chain reactions

With IFTTT, one action can set off multiple steps. It’s a simple way to handle complicated tasks.


Basic tweaking

IFTTT lets you make some changes, but might not fit the bill for super detailed or intricate processes.

Set boundaries

The automation actions and triggers in IFTTT depend on its partner services, so there's a cap on how much you can control.

Might not be for big businesses

For large-scale business tasks needing special features and tweaks, IFTTT might come up short.

Can't look back

With IFTTT, you can't dive into past data for your automated routines, which might make refining them a bit tricky.


Connect IFTTT with custom stuff?

Absolutely! IFTTT lets you make your own recipes using personal APIs and webhooks. This means you can get fancy with your tools and setups.

How safe is my info with IFTTT?

IFTTT uses top-notch safety tools like SSL to guard your data when it moves. But, remember, you should also use a tough password and two-step login for extra safety.

Can I code on IFTTT?

You don’t need coding chops for IFTTT since it's mostly drag-and-drop. But if you're into coding, it's cool with languages like Python and Node.js for those custom recipes.

Something went wrong! What's up with IFTTT?

Don't sweat it. IFTTT will tell you if an applet acts up. It tries again if it fails, and you can peek at error details on your dashboard.

Can IFTTT gel with what I already have?

For sure! IFTTT can work with many familiar apps, plus your unique setups through APIs and webhooks. It makes your day smoother and automation better.

Will IFTTT overuse APIs?

IFTTT's smart. It won’t over-tap into APIs, so you won't accidentally break rules or freeze accounts. You can also check your usage to stay in the safe zone.

Can IFTTT juggle tasks across devices?

Yep! IFTTT can link actions on your phone, computer, and even smart gadgets. It’s like a magic trick across tech!

IFTTT uses OAuth, a secure way, to see if an applet can touch your data in other services. It’s a safe handshake between tools.

IFTTT uses OAuth, a secure way, to see if an applet can touch your data in other services. It’s a safe handshake between tools.

Can I see how well my IFTTT applets do?

Absolutely. IFTTT gives you a cool dashboard. It shows how your applets are doing, where they hiccup, and how they perform. Perfect to make them even better!

Known for its user-friendly setup, it allows quick creation and deployment of app connections. IFTTT packs a punch with a broad set of features, making it a go-to for businesses aiming to boost their processes. Picking the right no-code platform can be a game-changer, and IFTTT stands out in this field. Our in-depth review aims to clear any doubts and provide insights into how IFTTT can fit into your automation game plan. We'll cover its strengths, potential drawbacks, and how it compares in the world of workflow automation. If you're hesitant about trying a new tool, rest assured: IFTTT's intuitive design and rich capabilities are set to elevate your productivity game.


To sum it up, IFTTT is a user-friendly tool that lets you easily connect apps and automate tasks, even without coding know-how. It's perfect for businesses big and small, helping make day-to-day operations smoother. While it might not have every advanced feature, its vast collection of ready-made connections speeds up getting things done. If you're aiming to boost work efficiency, IFTTT is a top choice to think about.

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Article author:
Matt Gragam, CEO of RapidDevelopers, article author

Matt Graham

CEO. We help companies by building apps 10x faster using no-code.

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