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Ghost Review 2024: Pros, Cons, Security | RapidDevelopers

Seeking a simple way to set up a blog? Ghost might be your answer. 

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It's a no-fuss tool that helps even beginners craft sleek blogs quickly. Ghost comes packed with handy features, making it a top pick for businesses wanting a smoother way to manage content. If you're weighing your options for a blog tool, don't overlook Ghost. Picking the right tool can shape your project's success. If you're unsure about Ghost, this quick overview is here to help. We want to shed light on what Ghost offers, both its strengths and its few limits. By the end, you should have a clearer picture of whether Ghost fits your needs. Remember, every tool has a learning curve, but Ghost stands out with its array of options to speed up your blog setup and ensure it looks and works great.

What is Ghost?

Ghost is a widely-used tool known as a CMS, which basically helps people set up and manage blogs without needing to code. It's known for being easy to use but still offers powerful features. You can make your blog look and function the way you want with Ghost, thanks to many add-ons and designs available. If you're thinking of starting a blog, Ghost is a great tool to consider.

Is Ghost good for a startup?

Looking to launch a startup focused on content or blogging? Ghost might be your shortcut. With its easy-to-use design and strong tools, you can whip up a polished blog without deep coding skills. This is a win for startups aiming to get a simple version of their product out fast and on a budget.

Plus, Ghost's rich set of plugins and designs means you can spice up your blog, adding things like sharing buttons or sign-up forms. This can help you test your concept and hear from potential users.

However, whether Ghost is the match for your startup's early version depends on what you're aiming for. Always check out a tool in-depth before diving in and consider getting advice from seasoned developers or experts.

Is Ghost good for an enterprise?

Ghost is mainly built for blogging as a content management system (CMS). For big, intricate companies, it might not hit the mark since it could miss out on some advanced tools they need. But for smaller businesses, especially those big on content marketing, Ghost can be a snug fit. It's streamlined and simple, making blog management a breeze.


What can you build with Ghost?

Ghost is a tool that lets you craft apps without diving into code.

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E-commerce Stores

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Ghost started as a space for blogging and remains a top pick for bloggers.


With its robust editing and content tools, Ghost shines as an online magazine maker.

News Sites

For news platforms, Ghost's support for many writers and straightforward publishing is perfect.

Business Sites

For companies wanting clean websites focusing on content, Ghost's simple design is spot on.

Showcase Sites

Want to display your work? Ghost's flexible design options help craft sleek portfolios.

Is Ghost secure?

Ghost is known for its security features. The team behind Ghost values safety and often updates the platform to keep potential risks at bay. Here's how Ghost keeps things safe:

​- Constantly Updated: Being open-source, anyone can peek into Ghost's code. If they find issues, the Ghost team promptly fixes them through updates.

- Strong Passwords: Users are prompted to have tough passwords. There's also two-factor authentication for an extra layer of safety.

- Data Safety with SSL: With SSL encryption, the data moving between the website and users is encrypted, making it hard for outsiders to get to it.

- Controlled Access: Not everyone can access everything. Ghost ensures people only get to areas they're supposed to, lessening chances of accidental harm.

- Keeping Content Safe: Ghost offers tools like auto password creation, spam filters, and even post timing tools to help guard your content.

So, while no tool is foolproof, Ghost does its part in offering a secure blogging platform.

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Why choose Ghost?

  • Made for Blogging

Ghost shines as a tool made for blogging. With its strong editing and content tools, crafting and handling blog posts is a breeze.

  • Simple Look

With Ghost's clean and straightforward design, content stands out. It's perfect for bloggers aiming to offer readers a clear and focused experience.

  • Free to Use and Modify

Being open-source, Ghost lets anyone pitch in to make it better. Plus, there's no need to buy licenses, making it a budget-friendly choice for everyone.

Ghost Pros

Optimized for Search Engines

Ghost is built with SEO in mind. It comes with tools that boost your site's visibility in search results, like canonical URLs, XML sitemaps, and meta tags.

Simple to Personalize

Tailoring your Ghost site's appearance is straightforward, thanks to its theme system. Plus, there's a variety of third-party designs and add-ons available to enhance its capabilities.

Quick and Adaptable

Crafted with the latest web tech and a focus on speed, Ghost can manage lots of visitors and grow with your website's needs.

Connects Easily with Other Tools

With its API-centric design, Ghost effortlessly meshes with other tools, from analytics and social networks to online shopping platforms.

Ghost Cons

Basic Features

Ghost is primarily a platform for bloggers, meaning it might not have the advanced features needed for intricate websites or apps.

Smaller Plugin Selection

Ghost allows for plugins, but its selection isn't as vast as platforms like WordPress. This could reduce your customization choices.

Fewer Integration Choices

Ghost connects with some third-party services, but it might not pair with every service your site or app requires.

Hosting Needs

Running Ghost demands specific server conditions, potentially narrowing down your hosting choices or adding extra setup tasks.


What do I need to run Ghost?

To use Ghost, make sure you have a server with 1 GB RAM minimum and an updated Node.js version. Also, you'll need a web server like Nginx or Apache.

How safe is Ghost?

Ghost comes with safety features like two-step verification, automatic SSL, and frequent security patches. Still, always prioritize securing your server and content.

What might I miss when blogging with Ghost?

Ghost focuses on blogging, but might not have every feature you find in other CMSs. For instance, its plugin selection isn't as broad as WordPress's, so tweaking your site might be harder.

How do I change my Ghost site's look?

With Ghost, you can alter your site's appearance using HTML, CSS, and Handlebars. Ghost also offers an editor for content styling using Markdown.

How can I make my Ghost site SEO-ready?

Ghost provides SEO tools like auto sitemaps, meta tags, and standard URLs. Plus, you can add SEO plugins like Yoast for better search results.

How do I add other services to my Ghost site?

With Ghost's adaptable API, you can connect many third-party tools, from data trackers to online stores.

How do I control user access on Ghost?

Ghost has user control features, including roles and access levels. If you want more, you might need extra plugins or tailored solutions.

You can set up Ghost on different platforms, such as your own server, cloud services, or even Ghost's service, Ghost(Pro). Just ensure your host supports Node.js.

You can set up Ghost on different platforms, such as your own server, cloud services, or even Ghost's service, Ghost(Pro). Just ensure your host supports Node.js.

Facing issues with Ghost? How to fix?

Ghost gives in-depth error reports for problem-solving. You can also tap into Ghost's dedicated user community on forums, GitHub, and more for help.

It's a no-fuss tool that helps even beginners craft sleek blogs quickly. Ghost comes packed with handy features, making it a top pick for businesses wanting a smoother way to manage content. If you're weighing your options for a blog tool, don't overlook Ghost. Picking the right tool can shape your project's success. If you're unsure about Ghost, this quick overview is here to help. We want to shed light on what Ghost offers, both its strengths and its few limits. By the end, you should have a clearer picture of whether Ghost fits your needs. Remember, every tool has a learning curve, but Ghost stands out with its array of options to speed up your blog setup and ensure it looks and works great.


To sum it up, Ghost stands out as a sleek and straightforward CMS crafted mainly for bloggers. With features like an intuitive editor, SEO capabilities, and adaptable API, it's tailored for those desiring a rapid and streamlined content management experience. Ghost's clear interface and well-detailed guides make diving in simple, even for those less tech-savvy. Yet, every platform has its downsides. Ghost's limited plugin collection might pose challenges when aiming for deeper customization. Some might also feel the platform lacks design flexibility compared to rivals. But, if a swift, blog-centric CMS is what you're after, Ghost is a top contender. Its mix of potent tools, an approachable interface, and a rich pool of resources underscore its appeal to bloggers, both novices and pros. Plus, its vibrant community promises growth and ongoing enhancements for the platform.

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Article author:
Matt Gragam, CEO of RapidDevelopers, article author

Matt Graham

CEO. We help companies by building apps 10x faster using no-code.

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