Print Individual or Multiple Elements or pure HTML from your Bubble App. No external services required!With this plugin you can print specific elements from your Bubble page. You can also print custom HTML. The plugin works for both desktop and mobile devices.
For a demo of this plugin please visit:
For a demo of this plugin in the bubble editor please visit:
Icons made by bqlqn from
Containers, Productivity, Technical, Mobile, Ecommerce, Visual Elements
Element, Action
Service Link:
Go to Settings->General of your Application and enable the option to expose ID attributes of HTMl Elements.
Drag the Print Elements onto your page. You now have access to 2 element actions in your workflows:
1. Print Elements: This Action allows you to print certain elements. Make sure to add an element ID to the element and then use this element id in the element action. If you want to print multiple elements you can just wrap the elements in a group and then add an element id to the group.
2. Print HTMl: This allows you to print custom HTML. You can also use dynamic data in your HTML, for example to generate invoices etc.
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