This plugin allows you to read and extract the text from images within your bubble application - no external API required!Supported image formats: png, jpg, bmp, pbm
Support for most languages.
For a demo of this plugin in the editor please visit:
For a demo of this plugin visit:
This Plugin uses the tesseract.js library
License Apache 2.0:
No changes to original code.
Media, Productivity, Technical, Visual Elements
Element, Event, Action
Service Link:
Drag the OCR element onto your page.You now have access to the "image to text" action. Simply provide the image that should be analysed and the language code (
Depending on the amount of text, the scan can take some time. Once done, an event is triggered which you can use to trigger subsequent workflows. You have access to the returned text via the elements state.
This Plugin uses the ColorTag API, which is a powerful API for color detection.
This Plugin allows you to find definitions ,related words and much for more than 150,000 words using the Words API from Rapid API.
This Plugin enables you to add a variety of up to date financial Data to your Application using the Alphavantage API.