This plugin allows you to dynamically search through your text and highlight any keywords, similar to using the Ctrl + F functionality within your browser. You can specify what Keyword should be searched for and if the search should be case sensitive, the text color, the background color and set the highlighted text bold. This plugin can be used to highlight certain words within a text and set the focus on them for your users.
For a demo of this plugin please visit:
Blog, Media, Technical, Productivity
Background Services, Action
Service Link:
After installing the plugin, go to Settings->General of your app and expose the option to add ID attributes to HTML Elements. You now have access to the "Highlight" action within your workflows. Simply trigger the action within a workflow and specify all the parameters, including the element ID of the text that should be targeted. You can set the element id within the element inspector.
This Plugin uses the ColorTag API, which is a powerful API for color detection.
This Plugin allows you to find definitions ,related words and much for more than 150,000 words using the Words API from Rapid API.
This Plugin enables you to add a variety of up to date financial Data to your Application using the Alphavantage API.