This Plugin allows you to add an "Elevator Scroll" effect to your app. When the action is triggered, the page slowly scrolls to the top of the page. You can also specify an audio file that should be played during scrolling and an audio file that should be played once the top has been reached. This is a fun Plugin that can help you to enhance the User Experience of your app and add a fun component.
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Analytics, Containers, Technical, Mobile, Visual Elements
Element, Action
Service Link:
Simply drag the "Elevator Scroll" Element onto your page and trigger the "Elevate" action within a workflow (under Element Actions). For example, place and Icon at the bottom of the page and trigger the "Elevate" action once the Icon has been clicked. Within the action you can specify the audio files that should be played during the scroll and after the scroll has been completed.
This Plugin uses the ColorTag API, which is a powerful API for color detection.
This Plugin allows you to find definitions ,related words and much for more than 150,000 words using the Words API from Rapid API.
This Plugin enables you to add a variety of up to date financial Data to your Application using the Alphavantage API.