
How to write custom logic with JavaScript in Bubble.io: Step-by-Step Guide

Write powerful custom logic with JavaScript in Bubble.io to elevate your app beyond out-of-the-box solutions.

Matt Graham, CEO of Rapid Developers

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How to write custom logic with JavaScript in Bubble.io?


Understand the Basics:

Knowing the basics of JavaScript and the specific logic or computation you want to perform is essential. If you're not familiar with JavaScript, it might be a good idea to learn the fundamentals first or consult with a developer.


Install the Toolbox Plugin:

The 'Toolbox' plugin in Bubble.io includes a 'Run JavaScript' action that allows you to write and run JavaScript code in workflows directly. Install this plugin from the 'Plugins' tab in the editor.


Define JavaScript Actions:

After installation, open the workflow where you want to use JavaScript, click on 'Add an action,' and select the 'Run JavaScript' action from the Toolbox options.


Write Your JavaScript Code:

In the action, write the JavaScript code required for the logic you wish to implement. You can write a script to manipulate data, perform calculations, adjust UI elements, or any other valid JavaScript function.


Trigger the Action:

Set up a workflow trigger for your 'Run JavaScript' action. This could be in response to a user event, such as clicking a button, or based on another action's completion.


Use External Scripts:

If you need to include external JavaScript libraries or scripts, use the HTML element to include scripts in your page head or body. You can then call functions defined in these scripts in your 'Run JavaScript' action.


Testing Your Custom JavaScript:

It's critical to test the JavaScript thoroughly within the context of your Bubble.io app to ensure it runs as expected and without errors. Look for any console errors and correct them as needed.


Pass Data to JavaScript:

If you need to use dynamic data in your script, use the 'Insert dynamic data' option to pass Bubble fields and data to the JavaScript code.


Return Data from JavaScript:

For scripts that produce output, you can save the results to Bubble’s state or database. Ensure you properly handle the data returned from your JavaScript code.


Handle Security and Performance:

Ensure that custom scripts do not expose sensitive data or provide opportunities for code injection. Be mindful of the performance implications of complex scripts, especially those that manipulate the DOM extensively.


Document Your Code:

Maintain good documentation for the custom JavaScript you write so that it can be maintained and understood by others or by yourself at a later time.


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