
How to set up data expiry in Bubble.io: Step-by-Step Guide

Master Bubble.io data expiry with our comprehensive guide. Learn step-by-step how to keep your database clean and efficient. Get started now!

Matt Graham, CEO of Rapid Developers

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How to set up data expiry in Bubble.io?

Step 1:

  Log into your Bubble.io account and open your app.  

Step 2:

  Go to the Data tab within the editor, which can be accessed from the left-hand menu.  

Step 3:

  Select the datatype you want to add an expiration to. In the context of a blog, this could be a 'BlogPost' or 'ContentChunk' type of data.  

Step 4:

  Add a new field by clicking the '+ New field' button. Name this field 'Expiration' and set its field type to 'date'.  

Step 5:

  Once the 'Expiration' field has been created, you can define data entries with an expiration date. When creating or editing entries for this data type, you will fill this field with the appropriate date and time when the content should no longer be available or displayed.  

Step 6:

  Create a workflow that checks for expired content. This can be done by setting up a recurring event (such as a daily check) or by triggering checks before displaying content to users.


Step 7:

  Create logic in your workflows to handle expired content. This might include hiding it from view, marking it as expired, deleting it, or moving it to an archive.  

Step 8:

  Test your expiration logic thoroughly to ensure that it behaves as expected. This includes setting up test data with various expiration times and verifying it gets handled correctly by your workflows.

Remember, whenever making changes to data types and workflows, you need to test these changes in the development version of your app and deploy them to the live version once you're satisfied. Following these steps should help manage data expiry effectively within your Bubble.io app as referenced from an example in their documentation.

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