
How to send newsletters from Bubble.io app: Step-by-Step Guide

Master newsletter dispatch with our step-by-step guide on sending emails directly from your Bubble.io app – boost engagement effortlessly!

Matt Graham, CEO of Rapid Developers

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How to send newsletters from Bubble.io app?


Step 1: Prepare your domain and SendGrid account

To send newsletters from your Bubble.io app, you'll first need to set up a SendGrid account and a domain if you want to use a custom domain. This is necessary to customize the "from" address in your newsletters and enable additional features such as email deliverability management and email tracking.
  • Register for a SendGrid account at the official SendGrid website.
  • Create an API key from your SendGrid dashboard and store it securely.
  • If you have a custom domain, connect it to your Bubble app. Instructions for domain registration and connection can typically be found in Bubble's documentation or in your domain registrar's help pages.


Step 2: Configure SendGrid in Bubble

Once you have your SendGrid account and optional domain ready:
  • Go to your Bubble app's dashboard, navigate to Settings > Domain / Email.
  • Proceed to the Email settings section.
  • Enter your SendGrid API Key in the designated input box and click "Verify Sendgrid Key" to link your SendGrid account with Bubble.
  • If you want to use a SendGrid email template, you can enter your template ID here as well.
  • Customize the email alias if desired (this will be the name part shown before your email address, e.g., 'Support' in support@yourdomain.com).


Step 3: Set up the newsletter workflow within Bubble

With your SendGrid integrated, you can now set up workflows within Bubble to send newsletters:
  • Access the Workflow Editor in your Bubble application.
  • Create a new workflow or select an existing one where you would like to add the newsletter sending functionality.
  • Use the "Send Email" action within the Workflow Editor to configure the content of the newsletter. Specify the recipients, subject, and body. For newsletters, you can use dynamic data to personalize the content for each user.
  • If you're using a template from SendGrid, make sure to match the template variables in Bubble with the ones you have in SendGrid.


Step 4: Testing the newsletter sending function

Before sending out newsletters to all your users, it's good practice to test the workflow:
  • Run a test by setting up test user accounts in Bubble and sending the newsletter to these accounts.
  • Check the deliverability and formatting of the newsletter in various email clients to ensure it appears as desired.


Step 5: Deploy and monitor

When you are confident with the setup:
  • Deploy the workflow.
  • Use SendGrid’s analytics to track the delivery rates, opens, and clicks of the newsletters.
  • Regularly update your workflow and content based on user interaction and feedback.

Remember, managing a SendGrid account and a custom domain offers you greater control over your email campaigns, better deliverability, and access to analytics which can be important for effective newsletter distribution.


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