
How to replace a placeholder with actual data in a dynamic text expression: Step-by-Step Guide

Replace placeholders with actual data in dynamic text expressions, increasing your app's interactivity and relevance.

Matt Graham, CEO of Rapid Developers

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How to replace a placeholder with actual data in a dynamic text expression?


Step 1: Select the Text Element

Click on the text element where you want to insert dynamic data. This could be in a text field on your page or within an element's property like a placeholder.


Step 2: Insert a Placeholder

If you already have a text such as "There are [placeholder] users in your app," the [placeholder] part represents where the dynamic data will eventually go.


Step 3: Insert Dynamic Data

To replace the placeholder, click on the text element to make it active. Then, click on the "Insert dynamic data" button that appears when the text element is selected.


Step 4: Create Your Dynamic Expression

After clicking the "Insert dynamic data" button, a menu will appear where you can build your dynamic expression. This part of the interface allows you to choose data sources, such as 'Current User's email' or 'Count of Users'. Select or create the expression that will pull the actual data you need.


Step 5: Refine Your Dynamic Expression

A list of options will come up based on the data sources and fields available in your Bubble database. Use the dropdown options to refine the expression, such as selecting specific fields or applying calculations and formatting.


Step 6: Preview Your Dynamic Text

Once you have added your dynamic expression, your text might now look something like "There are [Current user count] users in your app". In preview, the dynamic part will display with the actual count of users, replacing the placeholder text.


Step 7: Test the Expression

Enter preview mode to test the dynamic text and make sure it displays the actual data correctly. If it does not, revisit the expression and ensure it points to the correct data source and you've set up the logic as intended.


Step 8: Edit or Delete the Expression (if needed)

If you need to change or remove the expression, simply click on the dynamic data part of the text element and you will be presented with options to edit or delete it.


Step 9: Save and Repeat for Other Text Elements

Once you are satisfied with the dynamic text setup, save your changes and apply the same process for other text elements where dynamic data replacement is needed.


By replacing placeholders with actual dynamic data, you can personalize the content on your pages to reflect real-time information, like user data or count of items, directly within text fields, elevating your app's interactivity and user experience.

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