
How to present different elements on Bubble.io pages: Step-by-Step Guide

Showcase different elements on Bubble.io pages effectively, arranging them for maximum impact and user engagement.

Matt Graham, CEO of Rapid Developers

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How to present different elements on Bubble.io pages?

Plan Your Layout:


Start with a rough sketch or wireframe of your page layout, defining where elements like images, text blocks, buttons, and input fields should go relative to one another.


Understand Bubble's Approach:


Bubble.io operates on a “what you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG) philosophy. This means the layout and design you create in the editor will directly reflect how end-users see your app.


Use the Elements Tree:


Bubble’s Elements Tree provides a hierarchical view of all your elements on the page. It helps you visualize the structure and relationships between parent containers and nested elements (like groups within groups).


Start with a Container:


In your Bubble.io editor, begin by adding a container element that will hold other elements. This could be a group, floating group, or a reusable element depending on your needs.


Add Elements:


Click on the type of element you want to add from the New Element Palette, then draw that element on your page canvas. You can add text boxes, shapes, pictures, input forms, and many more.


Position Elements Accurately:


Place elements precisely where you want them on the page using Bubble's drag-and-drop functionality. You can move and resize elements as needed.


Configure Element Properties:


After adding an element, configure its properties. This includes setting colors, fonts, borders, and dynamic data sources, among other things.


Group Related Elements:


For better page organization and easier editing, group related elements together. Grouping also helps with creating responsive designs.


Ensure Responsive Design:


Configure your elements for responsive behavior to ensure they adjust nicely across different device sizes. This may involve setting minimum widths, collapsing margins, and establishing when elements should be hidden.


Leverage Reusable Elements:


To maintain a consistent design across multiple pages, convert commonly used elements like navigation bars or footers into reusable elements.


Preview and Iterate:


Regularly preview your design and interact with your app as a user would. This will help you identify any layout issues or improvements needed.


Optimize for Performance:


Ensure your elements are optimized for load times, particularly images and media. Use Bubble’s performance analysis tools to help with this.


User Testing:


Finally, have real users interact with your page. Gather feedback about the experience and make adjustments accordingly.




If you're working in a team, document your layout decisions and the reasons behind them for clear communication and collaboration.


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