
How to keep track of customer subscriptions in Bubble.io: Step-by-Step Guide

Manage your customer subscriptions effectively with our step-by-step guide to tracking them in Bubble.io, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Matt Graham, CEO of Rapid Developers

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How to keep track of customer subscriptions in Bubble.io?


Step 1:

Set up the necessary data types in your Bubble.io database. - Create a "User" data type for all individuals needing to log into your app, ensuring fields for first name, last name, related company, and role are included. - Establish a "Company" data type which functions as a parent entity to segment other data types in your app. It should include fields like name, admin, and related subscription. - Introduce data types for "Subscription" and "Plan" to organize the various subscription levels your service offers. The Subscription type should link to both Company and Plan and track details like active date, canceled date, and status.


Step 2:

Tie customer subscriptions to companies. - Add a field to the "Company" data type that refers to the custom "Subscription" record created for each Company.


Step 3:

Define the relationships between other resources like projects and tasks to their parent companies, ensuring that each has a field tying it back to its respective Company record.


Step 4:

Configure privacy rules. - Setup privacy rules for the "User" data type to ensure users can only access records within their own company. - Establish privacy rules for the "Company" data type so that users can only view their own Company's record, with exceptions made for roles like System Admins. - Create privacy rules for the "Subscription" data type that provides access only to the System Admin and Company Admins.


Step 5:

Implement option sets to manage user roles and subscription statuses, such as System Admin, Company Admin, Company Member, Active, and Inactive.


Step 6:

Utilize the established data types and structures to create dynamic views in your app, like dashboards for Users to view their assigned projects and tasks, as well as tools to filter tasks by completion status.


Step 7:

Regularly review and update your data types and privacy rules as your app evolves, adding new Subscription plans or modifying user access as needed.


By consistently managing and reviewing your data setup, you’ll maintain a clear structure that helps with the scaling of your application and improves the overall user experience.


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