
How to handle blob storage in Bubble.io: Step-by-Step Guide

Master Blob storage in Bubble.io with our comprehensive guide. Streamline your app's file handling with easy, step-by-step instructions for efficiency.

Matt Graham, CEO of Rapid Developers

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How to handle blob storage in Bubble.io?


Step 1:

Start by ensuring that your Bubble.io application is set up to accept file uploads. You can do this by adding a file uploader element to your page, which can be found under the "Input forms" section in the Elements tree.


Step 2:

Customize your file uploader settings. You can specify a maximum file size limit to prevent users from uploading excessively large files that might eat away at your storage space.


Step 3:

Decide on the privacy settings for the files being uploaded. By default, if you do not attach the file to a specific database thing, or if the thing doesn't exist, the file will be visible to anyone with the link. You can change this behavior by marking files as private and attaching them to things in your database.


Step 4:

To make the files private and control who has access to them, set privacy rules in the Data > Privacy tab in your Bubble editor. This will allow you to specify which users have the "View attached files" permission for each thing.


Step 5:

If you opt to use a third-party storage service, like Box, instead of Amazon's S3, you'll need to add the service as a plugin to your Bubble.io application. Make sure to configure the plugin according to the third-party service's requirements.


Step 6:

For third-party services, set a folder path for your files. Enter the destination as a forward-slash separated list of folder names (e.g., "My Folder/My Subfolder"). Bubble will create the necessary folders if they don't already exist.


Step 7:

After setting up the uploader and choosing your storage service, test the file upload functionality to ensure everything is working properly. Upload different file types and sizes to see how your app handles them.


Step 8:

Regularly monitor your file storage usage to avoid hitting any limits, and implement housekeeping measures if necessary, such as allowing users to delete unnecessary files or setting up automated cleanup routines.


Step 9:

Finally, keep an eye on the privacy and security settings and adjust them as needed, especially if you're storing sensitive data in blob storage.


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