
How to establish user-generated content approval pipelines in Bubble.io: Step-by-Step Guide

Establish a structured user-generated content approval pipeline in Bubble.io to maintain quality and brand consistency.

Matt Graham, CEO of Rapid Developers

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How to establish user-generated content approval pipelines in Bubble.io?


Define UGC Criteria:

Before setting up the pipeline, define what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable content. Determine the guidelines that user submissions must meet.


Collect User Submissions:

Create forms within your Bubble.io app to collect user-generated content. Ensure that fields capture all required information to assess the submission.


Store Submissions for Moderation:

Set up a database structure that includes a moderation status field. When content is submitted through UGC forms, save it to the database with an initial status such as 'Pending Review'.


Create a Moderation Dashboard:

Develop an admin dashboard in Bubble.io where moderators can review UGC submissions. Use repeating groups to list content waiting for approval and include options to approve or reject.


Implement Approval Workflows:

Design workflows associated with approve/reject actions. When a moderator approves content, the status should change to 'Approved', and if rejected, to 'Rejected' or similar phrasing.


Notify Submitters:

After the moderation decision is made, set up notifications to inform users of the status of their submissions. You can use Bubble.io's email trigger actions to send out these communications.


Display Approved Content:

Create conditions on the pages that display UGC so that only content marked 'Approved' in the database is visible to users on the live site.


Automate Common Decisions:

Where possible, automate the moderation for common rule violations. For example, if certain prohibited keywords are detected within a submission, it could be auto-rejected.


Regularly Audit the Process:

Periodically review the UGC and the approval process to ensure that the guidelines are being correctly enforced and that no prohibited content slips through.


Incorporate User Reports:

Allow users to report inappropriate content, and add these reports to your moderation dashboard for review.


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