
How to differentiate between frontend and backend workflows in Bubble.io: Step-by-Step Guide

Clarify your app's structure with insights on differentiating between frontend and backend workflows in Bubble.io for streamlined development.

Matt Graham, CEO of Rapid Developers

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How to differentiate between frontend and backend workflows in Bubble.io?


Differentiating between frontend and backend workflows in Bubble.io

  Differentiating between frontend and backend workflows in Bubble.io is crucial for architecting your application effectively. Here's how to recognize and utilize these two types of workflows:


Step 1: Understand the Difference

  Frontend Workflows: These are initiated by user actions, such as clicking buttons or submitting forms, and their primary purpose is to update the page that a user is currently viewing. These workflows depend on the user's interaction and require the page to be open for them to operate. Backend Workflows: These are server-side processes that run independently of the user interface. They can operate without direct user interaction and do not require the user to have the app open on their device. Backend workflows can schedule tasks, process data, and handle requests from external APIs.


Step 2: Use Cases for Frontend Workflows

  Common practices include changing the user interface, validating data inputted by users, and navigating between pages. They are managed within the page editor in Bubble.io and include actions like "Show", "Hide", and "Navigate to another page".


Step 3: Use Cases for Backend Workflows

  Backend workflows are ideal for scheduled tasks such as sending out emails after a delay, cleaning up database entries, or triggering actions in response to database changes. They also manage recurring tasks like weekly reports or payment processing.


Step 4: Editing Backend Workflows

  Backend workflows are created and edited in the backend workflows section of Bubble.io. Scheduled tasks, API endpoints, and data triggers are defined here.


Step 5: Access Backend Workflows

  Navigate to the "Backend Workflows" tab in Bubble.io to access and manage these types of workflows. Look for options to schedule an API workflow or set up a recurring event.


Step 6: Managing Permissions and Exposure

  Backend workflows can be exposed to external systems or kept internal. For those exposed as API endpoints, you'll need to manage permissions and possibly provide unique identifiers or tokens to authenticate external requests.


Step 7: Recognize Constraints

  Note that certain backend features might be available only under specific Bubble.io plans. Always verify the capabilities of your plan to ensure it includes the backend features you need.

By distinguishing between frontend and backend workflows, you can assign tasks to the appropriate layer of your application, optimizing performance, and enhancing the user experience. The frontend focuses on immediate interaction with the user, while the backend handles behind-the-scenes processing and long-running tasks.

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