
How to design a professional portfolio in Bubble.io: Step-by-Step Guide

Master Bubble.io portfolio design with our step-by-step guide. Create a stunning professional showcase that stands out in your industry.

Matt Graham, CEO of Rapid Developers

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How to design a professional portfolio in Bubble.io?


Step 1: Understand the core components

- First, know what you're looking to feature in your portfolio on Bubble.io. It's important to decide what projects, skills, experiences, and services you want to showcase.


Step 2: Create your Bubble.io account

- If you haven't already, go to Bubble.io and sign up for an account. Choose a plan that suits your needs – you can start with a free plan and upgrade later as necessary.


Step 3: Begin a new project

- Once you have your account set up, click on the "New Project" button to create a new app. Name your project something relevant to your portfolio.


Step 4: Design the user interface

- Use the visual editor to start designing your portfolio. You can add pages for different sections of your portfolio, like Home, About, Projects, Contact, etc. - Decide on a color scheme and fonts that match your personal brand.


Step 5: Set up your user profile

- Create a User data type with fields like First name, Last name, Email, Profile picture, Company name, Company logo, Location, Website, Bio, and Slug. The slug can be used to create clean, shareable profile page links.


Step 6: Create the Project data type

- Create a new data type called "Project" to store information about your work. Include fields like Owner (linking to the User), Title, Images, Tags, Tools used, Download options, Category, Main color, Description, and Views. Tags can be linked to a custom data type if you want users to be able to grow the number through creation.


Step 7: Add project functionality

- Implement forms to create new projects, ensuring you collect all the necessary information through your data fields established in the previous steps. - Craft a "Search and display" functionality to list projects. - Create a project detail page that showcases the work in detail when visitors click on a project.


Step 8: Implement privacy rules

- Normally, for a portfolio, you would want all your information to be publicly accessible to showcase your work. However, consider privacy rules early in development—especially for any sensitive information.


Step 9: User-generated content

- If your portfolio includes allowing other users to create profiles or submit work, establish the Tag and Like data types and their functionalities. Remember to enforce privacy and deletion constraints where necessary.


Step 10: Testing and feedback

- Preview and test your app extensively. Make sure all links, buttons, and forms work as intended. - Share your portfolio with friends or colleagues to get feedback and make necessary adjustments.


Step 11: Deploy your portfolio

- Once you are satisfied, deploy your portfolio. Bubble.io allows you to publish your app and make it live for public viewing.


Step 12: Update and maintain

- Lastly, remember to keep your portfolio updated with fresh content and regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly and reflect your latest work or achievements.


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