
How to create an SEO tracker in Bubble.io: Step-by-Step Guide

Master SEO tracking with Bubble.io—follow our step-by-step guide to build a powerful, custom SEO tracker tailored to your needs. Enhance your strategy now!

Matt Graham, CEO of Rapid Developers

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How to create an SEO tracker in Bubble.io?


Step 1: Set Up Your Bubble.io Project

- Begin by creating a new app in Bubble.io. If you are new to Bubble.io, you will need to sign up for an account and then select the option to create a new app. Choose a template if desired, or start from scratch.


Step 2: Organize Your Pages

- Ensure that each page in your app has a clear purpose and title. The URL should be reflective of the page’s content and purpose, as this helps with SEO.


Step 3: Implement Basic SEO Settings

- Utilize Bubble.io’s built-in SEO features by going to the app's settings. Enable the checkbox to "Expose the type of tags for text elements" so you can use header tags like h1, h2, and h3 for text elements. Be cautious with h1 tags—only include one per page for best practices.


Step 4: Customize Meta Tags

- Optimize each page by setting up metadata in Bubble. This includes the page title, description, and social media images. Click on the "Design" tab, select the page you want to edit, and then access the "Property Editor" to fill in these details.


Step 5: Set Up Alt Tags for Images

- Add alt tags to all image elements. You can do this in the "Property Editor" of each image. Alt tags are crucial for SEO as they provide text alternatives for search engine crawlers.


Step 6: Manage Your Sitemap and robots.txt

- Upload a custom sitemap.xml file to the root directory if needed. Also, you can customize the robots.txt file (this is recommended for advanced users with SEO experience) to control the indexing behavior of search engines.


Step 7: Use Responsive Design

- Make sure your design is mobile-friendly by using Bubble's responsive engine and setting up pages following mobile best practices.


Step 8: Test and Audit Your SEO Setup

- Perform an SEO audit using tools like Chrome's integrated SEO audit tool available in Inspector > Audits. Make changes based on the recommendations to improve SEO.


Step 9: Track SEO Metrics

- To track SEO metrics, consider integrating third-party tools such as Google Analytics. You can add tracking codes to your app in the "Settings" under the "SEO/metatags" tab.


Step 10: Continuously Update and Optimize

- SEO is not a one-time task. Continue to monitor your SEO performance and optimize your pages. Update your content regularly, improve page load times, and research keywords to remain competitive.


Bonus Tip: Keywords and Content

- Make sure to include relevant keywords in your content and metadata. Research keywords that are important for your niche and include them naturally throughout your text, titles, and descriptions.


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