
How to create a custom content feed in Bubble.io: Step-by-Step Guide

Discover the simple steps to craft a personalized content feed on Bubble.io. Follow our comprehensive guide to enhance your app's engagement today!

Matt Graham, CEO of Rapid Developers

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How to create a custom content feed in Bubble.io?


Step 1:

Begin by opening your Bubble.io editor and creating a new page or selecting an existing one where you want your custom content feed to appear.


Step 2:

Set up a new data type that will represent the items in your content feed. For example, if your feed is for blog posts, you could create a data type called "Post" with fields such as 'title', 'content', 'author', 'date_published', etc.


Step 3:

Populate your database with some initial data to test your feed. Go to the Data tab in your editor, create a few entries manually, or import data if you have an existing source.


Step 4:

Back in the Design tab, drag a "Repeating Group" element onto your page from the Visual Elements section. This will serve as the container for your content feed.


Step 5:

Configure the Repeating Group's data source to fetch data from the database you've set up. For instance, if you're creating a blog feed, set the data source to "Search for Posts" and add any constraints if needed (like showing only published posts).


Step 6:

Set up the cells of the repeating group to contain the elements that will display your content. For example, add text elements for the 'title' and 'content', an image element for any pictures, and so on.


Step 7:

Customize the layout of your repeating group to show the content in your desired format, such as a list or grid.


Step 8:

Add filtering and sorting features to allow users to customize their content feed view. This could be implemented using dropdowns, input fields, or buttons which, when interacted with, change the data source’s constraints and sorting.


Step 9:

Test the content feed by previewing your page. Make sure that the repeating group populates with data from your database and that any filters or sorting options work as expected.


Step 10:

Refine your feed's aesthetic by tweaking spacing, colors, fonts, and any responsive settings to ensure a great user experience across different devices.


Step 11:

Optionally, add interactivity to your feed items, such as like buttons, comment sections, or links to full articles. You can do this by adding new elements within the repeating group’s cells and configuring them with workflows.


Step 12:

Once you're happy with your content feed, go ahead and deploy your app so the feature is live for your users.


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