
How to build an app from a template in Bubble.io: Step-by-Step Guide

Kickstart your app development by building from a Bubble.io template, customizing it effectively to suit your unique needs.

Matt Graham, CEO of Rapid Developers

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How to build an app from a template in Bubble.io?


Step 1 - Explore the Template Marketplace:

Bubble.io offers a variety of templates for different app categories. Spend time exploring the templates available, which cover a range of categories such as CRM, dashboards, marketplaces, and more.


Step 2 - Select a Template:

Evaluate the templates based on your project's needs. Assess how close each template is to your envisioned final product. Remember that using a template should give you a head start but won't restrict your ability to make changes.


Step 3 - Add Templates to Your Account:

Before you can create an app using a template, you’ll need to add your selected template to your account from the Bubble.io template marketplace.


Step 4 - Create a New App:

Once the template is added to your account, you can create a new app by selecting the template from the 'Create app' dropdown. This will set up the new app with the chosen template as its starting point.


Step 5 - Name Your App:

Choose a name for your app. Note that the name can’t be changed later, and the initial name forms part of the unique URL generated for your app. Ensure the name is available and aligns with your project scope or company branding.


Step 6 - Set Up Workflow:

Templates come with pre-configured workflows. Review these workflows to understand the logic behind them and how they can be adapted to your needs.


Step 7 - Customize Design:

Dive into the design aspect of your app. Although templates provide a basic structure, you’ll want to modify the aesthetic elements to match your branding and UI preferences.


Step 8 - Modify App Structure:

Take a close look at the pages, data types, and navigation set up by the template. Modify or expand these elements to suit your specific application requirements.


Step 9 - Test the Template’s Features:

Run a test to see how the template’s default features work. This can shed light on any pre-built functionality that you may want to keep, discard, or edit.


Step 10 - Iterate and Enhance:

Use the template as a base and begin iterating. Templates are designed to be starting points, and your app will grow and evolve as you build upon the framework provided.


Step 11 - Preview and Deploy:

Regularly preview the app to test its functionality. Once you’ve customized and are confident with the setup, deploy your app.


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