
How to build a travel booking platform in Bubble.io: Step-by-Step Guide

Discover the ultimate guide to creating your travel booking platform with Bubble.io. Follow our easy step-by-step tutorial to launch your site today!

Matt Graham, CEO of Rapid Developers

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How to build a travel booking platform in Bubble.io?


Step 1: Define the data structure

Begin by planning the data structure needed for your travel booking platform. In Bubble, directory apps like travel booking platforms are structured with specific data types and option sets to create scalable applications with functionality for creating, searching, and managing listings.

  • User: Add fields for first name, last name, and a list of favorite listings. Create a field for the user type (e.g., Listing Owner, Consumer) using an option set to manage app features access.
  • Listing: The core of the app, where details like title, description, location, owner, categories, and status are stored. Implement an average rating number that updates with new reviews.
  • Review: Allow users to create reviews with a related listing, numeric rating, comment, and list of images.
  • Image: Consider a separate data type for images, especially if multiple images are necessary for each listing, like in Airbnb.


Step 2: Design the front end

Your app’s front-end design should dynamically display listings in a single layout that remains consistent while the content changes based on user searches and filter selections. Include:

  • Search functionality with filters for categories, ratings, location, dates, and status.
  • Pages for users to view listing details, reviews, and related images.
  • A user interface that makes it easy to list new properties, manage existing ones, and book reservations.


Step 3: Implement privacy rules

Establish privacy rules to make sure that sensitive data is protected, and users can only modify their content.

  • Allow users to auto-bind on their records except for sensitive fields like home addresses.
  • Define what each user type can do within the app, like Listing Owners editing their listings and Consumers only searching and reviewing listings.


Step 4: Set up booking functionality

This includes:

  • Creating a booking data type where you can store details like dates, guest information, and link it to the listings.
  • Design workflows for booking processes, such as search, reservation, payment, and confirmation.


Step 5: Develop review and rating system

Allow users to rate and comment on the listings they book or view, which could include:

  • An aggregated star rating system.
  • Space for users to leave comments about their experiences.
  • The option for users to upload images with their reviews.


Step 6: Test and iterate

Before launching, thoroughly test all functionalities, including:

  • User registration and login processes.
  • Listing creation and management.
  • Search and booking functionality.
  • Privacy rules and user permissions.

Collect user feedback to make necessary adjustments to improve the platform's usability and performance.


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