
How to add a dynamic expression to a text field in Bubble.io: Step-by-Step Guide

Add dynamic expressions to text fields in Bubble.io with flexibility, making your app's content lively and engaging.

Matt Graham, CEO of Rapid Developers

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How to add a dynamic expression to a text field in Bubble.io?


Step 1: Inserting Dynamic Data

Click on the text element where you want to add a dynamic expression. You can mix dynamic expressions with regular text to create a coherent message. For instance, you might want to display the count of users dynamically within a welcoming message.


Step 2: Focus on the Text Field

Set your cursor at the point in the text where you want the dynamic content to appear. This will be the insertion point for the dynamic expression you wish to add.


Step 3: Use the Dynamic Data Button

With the text field in focus, click the “Insert dynamic data” button that appears to the right of the text block or press the “/” keyboard shortcut. This action allows you to add a dynamic variable to the text field.


Step 4: Create the Expression

Click the dynamic data placeholder that now appears in your text field. You'll be presented with options to insert dynamic data from available data sources, like the current user’s data or data from your database.


Step 5: Select the Appropriate Source

Choose the data source that holds the value you want to display. For instance, to show how many users are on your app, you might choose a dynamic expression that counts users from the User database.


Step 6: Customize Expression (Optional)

If needed, apply additional functions or filters to the expression. For example, you can further refine the count by filtering based on certain criteria, like users who are active or online.


Step 7: Preview the Expression

Once the dynamic expression is set, you'll preview it in the editor as the actual value that will appear, hiding the complexity behind the scenes.


Step 8: Delete or Edit the Expression

If you need to delete the expression, click on it and press backspace. If you need to change the expression, click on the dynamic data placeholder again to edit the data sources or add additional formatting or filters.


Step 9: Test the Dynamic Expression

Preview or debug your app to test the dynamic expression. Ensure it's pulling and displaying the correct data as expected based on different use cases or specific user interactions.


Step 10: Make Adjustments as Needed

Based on your testing results, you may need to make adjustments to the expression or how it’s displayed to ensure it provides the intended user experience.


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