
How to handle user registration in Bubble.io: Step-by-Step Guide

Master user registration in Bubble.io with our step-by-step guide. Learn to set up, secure, and customize the process like a pro. Start now!

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How to handle user registration in Bubble.io?

Handling user registration in Bubble.io involves a few clear steps. Here's how you can get it done:

Step 1: Begin by setting up the necessary input fields on your app's sign-up page. You'll need two input elements to capture the user's email address and password. Make sure to set the inputs to the appropriate type (e.g., the email input should be set to accept email format, and the password input should mask the entered characters).

Step 2: Ensure that the email input field is set up to validate that the address is unique and in the correct format. In Bubble, every registered user must have a unique email address.

Step 3: Add a workflow in Bubble that triggers when the user submits the registration form. This should include the 'Sign the user up' action, where you specify the email and password entered by the new user.

Step 4: Note that the Bubble platform handles the encryption and secure storage of user credentials. The password is not visible even to the app developer since it's hashed and stored securely according to industry standards.

Step 5: The registration process should include email verification. After the account is created, trigger a workflow to send a confirmation email to the user. There is an invisible field in the User data type called 'Email confirmed' that can be set through the confirmation process.

Step 6: After successful user registration and email confirmation, the new user is automatically logged in. From then on, a logged-in session lasts for 12 months unless the user logs out or deletes their browser's cookies.

Step 7: Consider also providing options for users to sign up and log in with social service providers (SSA) like Facebook or Google. For this, you would need to set up additional workflows and potentially acquire permissions from the SSA providers to access basic user information.

Remember, upon registration, Bubble creates a permanent user account and any temporary user data (like a shopping cart or preferences) is seamlessly transferred to the new account. It's crucial to create a user-friendly and secure registration process, as it is the first step that users engage with on your app.

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