
How to create a landing page in Bubble.io: Step-by-Step Guide

Master Bubble.io with ease! Follow our step-by-step guide to build a high-converting landing page quickly and effectively. Start now!

Matt Graham, CEO of Rapid Developers

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How to create a landing page in Bubble.io?

Creating a landing page in Bubble.io involves several steps to set up a functional and visually appealing entry point for your application. Below is a simple guide on how to achieve this:

Step 1: Log in to Bubble.io
Begin by logging into your Bubble.io account. If you do not have an account yet, you'll need to sign up for one.

Step 2: Create a New Page
Once you're logged in, navigate to your app's editor. From there, access the dropdown menu within the editor interface and select 'Add a new page...'. You will now have to provide a name for your new page. Ensure the name is URL-safe and unique within your application.

  • Page Naming Tips: Use only English letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and replace any spaces with dashes (-). Bubble will automatically convert the text to lowercase and encode special characters appropriately.

Step 3: Design Your Page
With the new page created, you can start designing your landing page. Use the visual design tools provided by Bubble.io to add and arrange text, images, buttons, and other elements that you want to be included in your landing page. Think about the main action you want visitors to take and make this feature prominent, such as a signup form or a 'Learn More' button.

Step 4: Configure Page Settings
Check the page settings to adjust attributes like the page's title, width, and height. Make sure your settings are appropriate for the type of landing page you're creating.

Step 5: Add Interactivity with Workflows
To make your landing page interactive, you need to use Bubble.io's workflow engine. For every action that you want to trigger something on the page (like signing up a user, navigating to another page, showing a popup), you'll need to create a workflow. For example, for a signup button, you'll create a workflow that signs up the user when the button is clicked.

Step 6: Preview and Test
Once you've set up your landing page, you'll want to preview it to ensure everything looks and works as expected. Bubble.io provides a run-mode to test your page in action. Fix any issues that you find during the testing phase.

Step 7: Publish Your Landing Page
When you are satisfied with the design and functionality of your landing page, you are ready to publish. Use the deployment tools within Bubble.io to make your landing page live so that it can be accessed by the public.

Step 8: Monitor and Iterate
After your landing page is live, monitor user interaction and gather feedback. Use this information to iterate on your design and improve the user experience continuously.

This guide provides a basic outline for creating a landing page in Bubble.io. Depending on the complexity of your needs, you may need to delve deeper into Bubble's rich set of features and functionality to fully realize your vision for your landing page.

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